Macintosh OS 7.5.5-9.x Setup
- To begin the process, click on the Apple menu, go to Control Panel, and
select Remote Access. This is sometimes called PPP on older versions of the
Macintosh OS.
- If the triangle next to Setup is pointing to the right, click on it to drop
down the username, password and phone number information.
- In the Name field, Enter the appropriate username and password.
- Enter your password in the Password field, and place a checkmark next to
Save Password. Both usernames and passwords are case sensitive!
- Enter the appropriate number for the customer’s location in the Number
- Next click on the Remote Access (or PPP) menu on the menu bar, and go down
to TCP/IP<
- In the window that appears, make sure the “Connect via” option
is set to PPP, and that the “Configure” option is set to “Using
PPP Server.”
- If there is anything in the “Name server addr.:” or “Search
domains” fields, remove it.
- Close out of the TCP/IP window and save the changes when prompted.
- Close out of the Remote Access window and, again, save the changes when
you’re prompted.